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2019-06-22: China-Canada Entrepreneur Exchange Program – 中国加拿大企业家交流计划



Canadian Entrepreneurs Visiting China for Exchange

The Canada China Angel Alliance (CCAA) in partnership with Ontario Centre of Innovation (OCI) has launched the China Angel Investment Entrepreneurship Camp (CAMP). This initiative aims to assist startups in preparing their businesses for entry into the Chinese market.

2.OCI 将通过 CAMP 计划,寻找有潜在投资机会的公司。CCAA将进行评估,并负责最终选择投资和参与CAMP的公司。OCI 的任何联合投资都将根据具体情况,在符合计划标准和资格的前提下,按照市场标准进行。
OCI, through the CAMP program, will identify companies with potential investment opportunities. CCAA will conduct assessments and be responsible for the final selection of companies to invest in and participate in the CAMP program. Any co-investment by OCI will be carried out according to market standards, contingent upon meeting program criteria and eligibility requirements.

3.根据本计划,每年将选择 10 家位于安大略省的初创公司,以获得来自中国著名天使投资人和指导的机会。
Under this program, each year, 10 startups based in the province of Ontario will be selected to receive opportunities for mentorship and investment from prominent angel investors in China.

Selection Process:
The company must be an early-stage company headquartered in the province of Ontario, seeking to commercialize its technology in the Chinese market.
(2)CAMP 会考虑任何行业的公司,但优先考虑 IT 型公司,包括医疗保健 IT、清洁技术 IT、金融 IT、人工智能和可持续发展 IT
CAMP will consider companies from any industry, but will prioritize IT-based companies, including healthcare IT, clean technology IT, financial IT, artificial intelligence, and sustainable development IT.
The company’s core product or service must be technology/innovation-based, and applicants must demonstrate the ability to freely use, develop, and commercialize intellectual property without requiring any third-party authorization.
The company should have a minimum of two to three full-time employees.
The company must be investment-ready and have a fully developed prototype.
The company should have some pilot customers.
The company must be willing and able to travel to China for two weeks to collaborate with local investors and mentors.
Over the next two years, the company must participate in a three-day coaching program held quarterly in Toronto.

Applicant Requirements:
OCI will continuously identify potential companies for participation in the CAMP program during the initial phase.
(2)OCI 将负责根据计划资格和计划目标的一致性进行初步筛选
OCI will be responsible for initial screening based on program eligibility and objectives.
(3)OCI 和 CCAA 将共同确定有资格向投资者小组展示的申请人
OCI and CCAA will collaboratively identify applicants eligible for presentation to the investor group.
Selected companies will present to the investor group.
CCAA will make the final selection of companies to participate in CAMP.
(6)CCAA 的任何投资均须完成令人满意的尽职调查、协商 CCAA 投资者满意的文件,并提供任何适用的监管批准
Any investment by CCAA will be subject to satisfactory due diligence, negotiation of satisfactory documentation for CCAA’s investment, and obtaining any applicable regulatory approvals.


Chinese Entrepreneurs Visiting Canada for Exchange

CCAA not only brings high-quality Canadian entrepreneurs and projects to China but also consistently provides opportunities and channels for exceptional Chinese entrepreneurs/business leaders to expand their businesses overseas. CCAA selects outstanding Chinese entrepreneurs/startups to venture to Canada and establish innovative global business endeavors.

2.本项目依托加拿大联邦移民局的Start-up Visa Program开展,通过审核的创业项目,CCAA将协助出具多伦多、渥太华、滑铁卢地区,加拿大联邦移民局指定机构的支持信,加拿大联邦移民局将为项目创始人与核心团队成员全部家庭成员,审核办理枫叶卡,以帮助创业者/企业家解决跨境开展全球化业务时的签证繁琐问题,并帮助出海企业符合高科技企业在加拿大的研发费用补贴政策
The Program is based on the Start-up Visa Program of the Federal Immigration Service of Canada. The China Canada Angel Alliance will assist in issuing letters of support from Toronto,Ottawa,Waterloo and other organizations designated by the Federal Immigration Service of Canada for approved Start-up programs, the Federal Office for Immigration Canada will review and approve Maple Leaf cards for all family members of the project’s founders and Core Team members to help entrepreneurs/entrepreneurs solve visa issues when doing global business across borders, and to help overseas enterprises in line with high-tech Enterprises in Canada’s R & D costs subsidy policy.

Under the plan, China Canada Angel Alliance will provide support letters to 50 Chinese start-up projects annually


Founder of the project and all core team members, with an IELTS score of 5 or above in Category G.
The project founder has had experience in entrepreneurship/financing/enterprise management in the past, which can be the founder, co-founder, partner, CXO, etc.
The project founder has a global vision and innovative spirit.
The founder of the project has an exciting business plan and vision, which is suitable for launching in Canada and expanding to the global market.
All applicants have no criminal record.

5.具体申请流程:本项目涉及枫叶卡发放,按照加拿大联邦移民局的要求,必须前置核验申请人与创业项目,以确保符合加拿大的相关规定。前置核验/项目初筛工作由CCAA出海事务承办机构 Global Base负责,项目终审及支持信发放由CCAA负责,枫叶卡的终审发放由加拿大联邦移民局负责
Specific application process: This project involves the issuance of Maple Leaf Cards. According to the requirements of the Canadian Federal Immigration Office, applicants and entrepreneurial projects must be pre examined to ensure compliance with relevant Canadian regulations. Global Base, the China Canada Angel Alliance sea going affairs organization, is responsible for the pre inspection/project preliminary screening, China Canada Angel Alliance is responsible for the final review of the project and the issuance of the letter of support, and the Canadian Federal Immigration Office is responsible for the final review of the maple leaf card.

For projects that have passed the review, China Canada Angel Alliance will provide landing support for overseas enterprises in Toronto, Waterloo and Ottawa, including but not limited to enterprise establishment, incubator or address selection, financial and tax law, 1V1 visit and intercommunication of member enterprises, financing, talent recommendation, local business network connection, government fund and subsidy application, North American listing consulting services and other entrepreneurs/entrepreneurs.

Staff can be added for consultation. The project review of China Canada Angel Alliance needs to be scheduled. Please arrange the time and sign up for preliminary screening 2 to 3 months in advance.

扫码添加工作人员咨询 – 中国创业者全球计划

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